Joseph Lennon

I specialize in Irish Studies, and my research generally follows the influence of colonialism and its effects in Ireland, Britain, and India. My book, “Marion Wallace-Dunlop and the Origins of the Hunger Strike” (SUNY, British Studies) traces history of fasting protests up to 1909 when Marion Wallace-Dunlop performed the first women’s hunger strike for suffrage.  The book is half family history and half textual history.  It traces fasting and protest traditions through a range of extra-literary texts: histories, judicial diaries, academic studies, newspaper articles, as well as the more literary genres of autobiographies, plays, novels, and poetry.  It is to come out in late 2025 or early 2026.
At present, I am also editing a special issue of a new online, open-access issue of the American Journal of Irish Studies on “Sustainability in Irish Culture” with the Irish language scholar, Dr. Jonathan O’Neill.  I also have published a volume of poetry, Fell Hunger with Salmon Poetry, and am preparing a new volume of poems.
